Rituals of Autumnal Endurance: An Ethnographic Study of Post-Industrial North AmericansIn the crisp and chilly days of autumn, when the skies began to darken earlier and the cold crept insidiously through the cracks of…Nov 1, 2024Nov 1, 2024
Religious Studies at Ferrum College — Statement on Recent E-mails from the College ChaplainTo the Ferrum College Community:Oct 12, 2023Oct 12, 2023
Preaching Epiphany?Because of my work on the Magi, people often ask me what I would preach about on Epiphany, if I were someone who was going to preach on…Jan 6, 2023Jan 6, 2023
On Citing Monsters. Or not.This short piece was presented on November 21, 2022 at a session of the Metacriticism of Biblical Scholarship program unit of the Society…Nov 28, 2022Nov 28, 2022
Trumpism and White Christianity, or: Why You Need to Stop Calling Trumpism a CultInstead of framing Trumpism as a cult, it is both more accurate and helpful to think of it as a form of white Christianity in the US.Sep 24, 2021Sep 24, 2021
On Classrooms and Surveillance StatesIn what would seem to be a growing trend on Twitter, students are posting screenshots of syllabi, e-mails from professors, and feedback on…Sep 14, 2020Sep 14, 2020
No, we did not respond “calmly” to 9/11Like many, I have vivid memories of 9/11. I was a junior in college, and I had a statistics test that I wasn’t nuts about taking. But, the…Sep 11, 2020Sep 11, 2020